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Als je iets aan een probleem kunt doen,doe het dan en laat het los.
the joy movie
Het lachen maakt je niet alleen vrolijker, het helpt je gezondheid effectief vooruit.Therapieën spelen steeds vaker in op die lacheffecten. In de VS is humortherapie alvast zeer succesvol. Patiënten worden daar opgevrolijkt met hilarische films, geluidsopnames, boeken of workshops.

The American Cancer Society formally states that humor therapy (laughter therapy) is the use of humor for the relief of physical and emotional difficulties. It is used as a complementary tool to promote health, enhance immune system performance, and cope with illness.

Laughter can reduce stress, promote good health, and enhance the quality of life. Humor has physiological effects that can increase pleasurable feelings, stimulate the circulatory system, respiratory system, immune system, and other systems in the body.

The medical profession considers happy humor to be safe, when used as a complementary therapy, although some people have complained that their sides ache after too much great comedy entertainment. (Chuckle)bron: http www joyfulaging com HumorTherapy

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